Our Contacts


Company location
Athens - Ilion
Agdinon 6 Ilion - Postal code 13122
Telephone: +30 210 2630124

E-mail: info@religious-church-icons.com

About us

The Neroulia company sell a great variety
of church icons (Byzantine orthodox) continuing the Orthodox tradition ...
The icons are made from excellent quality materials (Metal alloy or Silver), our catalog covering a wide spectrum of subjects and designs.

Our icons remain unchanged in time and bear a lifetime guarantee, while our prices are the most competitive in the global market (starting prices from 3.10 Euro / 3.88$ USD)

There is also possibility of a custom made designs after contacting us

Feel free to browse through the various categories of our site and in case you have any further question do not hesitate to contact us by sending us an email or by calling us directly.


Icons in the Orthodox Church
One of the unique characteristics of the Orthodox Church is its use of icons (i.e., holy images). Icons have been in use since the earliest days of the Christian Church. Icons, in their simplest forms, were found in the catacombs, grave sites and other places of ancient Christian worship. They included: the cross, the fish, the lamb and other symbols that represented Jesus Christ. By the fifth century, iconography began to be widespread. Beautiful paintings, mosaics, frescoes and other media of art were used to depict Christ, the Virgin Mary and the saints. The Church felt quite comfortable in depicting our Lord and His saints, for they felt the media of art was just another way to praise and teach about God-just as the Church used music and poetry. Icons were depicted on churches, homes and public buildings.

Icons served a many-fold purpose in the Orthodox Church. They were used to help teach the faithful about God. A person can walk into an Orthodox Church and see the whole Bible story unfolded on its walls. Icons of Old and New Testament people and events were used to teach the faithful-keeping in mind that many could not read- about the Christian Faith.